My typewriters on display at PCC Sylvania

Typewriters nearly identical to those used by seven famous authors are represented. The authors are Ernie Pyle, Isak Dinesen, Sylvia Plath, Ernest Hemingway, Agatha Christie, E.B. White and Larry McMurtry.
It's an eclectic group.
I may add one for Jack Kerouac if I can make room for it. As you can see, six typewriters fill the space quite nicely. Ernie Pyle and Isak Dinesen used the same model machine (a folding Corona) which accounts for the discrepancy.
Interestingly, Faulkner and Kerouac used the same model (an Underwood) as well...with obviously very different results.
As I was installing the exhibit, several people stopped to comment. One guy in his fifties joked that most of the students would be baffled by these strange machines.
But several young students stopped to chat.
I plan to park myself outside the display case during lunch hour to see and hear what transpires.
Stay tuned.
Labels: Portland Community College, typewriters
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