Monday, November 27, 2006

What the Iraq war costs Portland

Portlanders so far have spent more than $407 million on the war and occupation in Iraq, reports The American Friends Service Committee.

AFSC's Portland office is calling on Portlanders to attend a City Council hearing on Iraq this Thursday, Nov. 30, at 2 p.m. to call for a withdrawal of troops. The hearing will be at City Hall, 1221 SW Fourth Avenue.

The money now going to the Iraq war should be spend for human needs at home instead, says the AFSC.

Here's what that $407 million would have paid for here in Portland:

* More than 20,000 4-year scholarships at public universities in Oregon;

* Health insurance for more than 250,000 Portland children;

* Nearly 56,000 Head Start students for 1 year;

* 7,000+ teachers for 1 year; or

* More than 3,700 housing units in Portland.

(Source: The National Priorities Project)

1 comment:

  1. To see the ONGOING costs see:

    It is astounding as to how fast these numbers they are climbing.
