Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Hillsdale voter turnout was huge

Of 126 voting precincts in Multnomah County, the precinct at Hillsdale’s core ranked seventh in voter turn-out in the November 7 general election.

Precinct 1224 had a turnout of nearly 83 percent of those registered to vote, compared with 69 percent countywide.

The precinct’s voters remain heavily Democratic, casting three out of four votes for Democratic Governor Ted Kulongowski over Republican challenger Ron Saxton and lesser candidates.

Precinct 1170, which includes the northern part of Hillsdale and sweeps over the hill and onto the OHSU campus, is even more Democratic. There Kulongowski won four out of five votes.

By contrast, statewide Kulongowski won with 51 percent of the vote while Saxton polled 43 percent.

The vote on the Portland school bond measure, 26-84, in the core Hillsdale precinct, 1224, was better than two to one in favor–68 percent to 32 percent. Citywide the vote was 63 percent yes, 37 percent no.

1 comment:

  1. The turnout for voting is awesome. Now if we could get that same commitment in removing election lawn signs.
